
Group: DynoMotion Message: 9356 From: ricochetproducts Date: 3/24/2014
Subject: Kflop JP4
Hi Tom,  I am wondering if I am seeing this correctly? 
I have this drive http://www.geckodrive.com/g201x-g210x-rev-6 And I want to use my Kflop jp4 pin 13 & 14 for step and direction. am I correct in assuming that my common to the drive would be jp4 pin 8 or 9?  I am not clear if pins 13, 14 put out 3.3 vdc or 0vdc.

Thank you for your time,  Steve

Group: DynoMotion Message: 9358 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/24/2014
Subject: Re: Kflop JP4
Hi Steve

Yes you could connect the G201X Common to the KFLOP GND on JP4 pin 8 or 9.

You would want to configure the axis for OutputChan0=8 with FPGA Options:

FPGA(STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_ADD)=63 + 0x40   // set the pulse time to ~ 4us, mux to JP4 and JP6, and low going step pulse

The outputs in LVTTL Mode drive high (>2.4V) and low (<0.4V). 

Since the Geckos are flexible and can be driven high or low it would actually provide more noise margin to put the Gecko common to +3.3V and then use a high going pulse with:

FPGA(STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_ADD)=63 + 0x40 + 0x80   // set the pulse time to ~ 4us, mux to JP4 and JP6, and high going step pulse

(the Gecko should step on the end of the pulse rather than the beginning to have the max Direction setup time before the step).


Group: DynoMotion Message: 9360 From: Steve Klemp Date: 3/24/2014
Subject: Re: Kflop JP4
Hi Tom

X & Y Axis are set up as DAC chan 0, 1
"You would want to configure the axis for OutputChan0=8 with FPGA Options:"
Just to clarify: this is for my Z axis do I need to configure like this OutputChan2=8 jp4 pin 13, 14 (please see the attached .png)

When you say "with FPGA Options" Does this mean that I need to add the following line to my .ini file?
FPGA(STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_ADD)=63 + 0x40 + 0x80   // set the pulse time to ~ 4us, mux to JP4 and JP6, and high going step pulse

I have connected my common to +3.3vdc  jp4 pin 3

One other thing, Once I get this stepper drive tuned, Can I close the loop by assigning the input as encoder? 

Sorry for all the questions but I want to get this right?

Thank you for all your help

On Monday, March 24, 2014 4:52 PM, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
Hi Steve

Yes you could connect the G201X Common to the KFLOP GND on JP4 pin 8 or 9.

You would want to configure the axis for OutputChan0=8 with FPGA Options:

FPGA(STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_ADD)=63 + 0x40   // set the pulse time to ~ 4us, mux to JP4 and JP6, and low going step pulse

The outputs in LVTTL Mode drive high (>2.4V) and low (<0.4V). 

Since the Geckos are flexible and can be driven high or low it would actually provide more noise margin to put the Gecko common to +3.3V and then use a high going pulse with:

FPGA(STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_ADD)=63 + 0x40 + 0x80   // set the pulse time to ~ 4us, mux to JP4 and JP6, and high going step pulse

(the Gecko should step on the end of the pulse rather than the beginning to have the max Direction setup time before the step).


Group: DynoMotion Message: 9361 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/24/2014
Subject: Re: Kflop JP4 [1 Attachment]
Hi Steve,

Yes the screen shot looks correct.  But "OutputChan2=8" is incorrect and invalid.  In some Output Modes a KFLOP Axis Channel can require 2 output devices.  They are called OutputChan0 and OutputChan1.  Step/Dir Mode only use one Step/Dir Generator device so only OutputChan0 is used to specify which Step/Dir Generator to use.   So in verbose English to :set KFLOP Axis Channel #2's First Output Device Channel0 to use Step/Dir Generator 8 the C code is:


Yes add the FPGA setting to your Initialization C Program at the beginning of the main function.

Yes you can add encoder feedback.  It really doesn't work well to correct for stepper stalls and missteps.  But it does allow you to detect them and stop rather than going on blindly forever possibly causing more and more damage.  It also allows recovery from a fault or amplifier disable without loss of position which would normally require re-homing.  In some cases the feedback can be used to observe, plot, and potentially dampen oscillations.  If Linear Encoder Scales are used instead of rotary encoders then accuracy may be improved by reducing errors such as leadscrew and backlash errors.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 9362 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/24/2014
Subject: Re: Kflop JP4 [1 Attachment]
Hi Steve,

Yes the screen shot looks correct.  But "OutputChan2=8" is incorrect and invalid.  In some Output Modes a KFLOP Axis Channel can require 2 output devices.  They are called OutputChan0 and OutputChan1.  Step/Dir Mode only use one Step/Dir Generator device so only OutputChan0 is used to specify which Step/Dir Generator to use.   So in verbose English to :set KFLOP Axis Channel #2's First Output Device Channel0 to use Step/Dir Generator 8 the C code is:


Yes add the FPGA setting to your Initialization C Program at the beginning of the main function.

Yes you can add encoder feedback.  It really doesn't work well to correct for stepper stalls and missteps.  But it does allow you to detect them and stop rather than going on blindly forever possibly causing more and more damage.  It also allows recovery from a fault or amplifier disable without loss of position which would normally require re-homing.  In some cases the feedback can be used to observe, plot, and potentially dampen oscillations.  If Linear Encoder Scales are used instead of rotary encoders then accuracy may be improved by reducing errors such as leadscrew and backlash errors.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 9363 From: Steve Klemp Date: 3/24/2014
Subject: Re: Kflop JP4
Tom, thank you for the clarification, Yes my encoders are linear "glass" scales

Thanks again